Privacy statement

Flanders’ FOOD prioritises the security of your personal data and shall do everything in its power to ensure that this data is protected in accordance with the regulatory provisions. All data collected by Flanders’ FOOD is stored in a database that is inaccessible to third parties and to which third parties may not gain access for a fee. Data is not kept longer than is required, and every technical and organisational means is used to prevent data breaches. Flanders’ FOOD does not target minors and only collects administrative data from minors required for the administrative processing of a student contract. Under no circumstances shall Flanders’ FOOD collect special categories of personal data such as race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, medical situation, or the like. To report to the subsidising agency, Flanders’ FOOD will use reports containing personal data and submit these to the agency in question. Should Flanders’ FOOD coordinate an activity with a partner, such partner may only use data generated from this activity for this activity’s coordination.

Your rights as a data subject

As a data subject, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data at any time. You are also entitled to request that your data to be rectified, completed, or deleted at any time. Flanders’ FOOD shall respond to your request for access, rectification, or erasure within the legally stipulated time frame of 30 days. As a data subject, you can obtain additional information or lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.
Should you, as a data subject, wish to request access to your personal data or the rectification or erasure thereof, please contact

Data controller

Flanders’ FOOD vzw is the controller of your data, with registered office at Wetenschapsstraat 14a in 1040 Brussels
and company number 0878017175.

Personal data subject to processing

Flanders’ FOOD collects data that you voluntarily provide on event registration web forms, membership applications or surveys, tenders for project contracts or for user groups and/or steering groups and newsletters. Photographs and/or video material may be collected at Flanders’ FOOD events; consent to the use of such shall always be requested should you be recognisable on the screen. Flanders’ FOOD also collects and submits employee data for the administrative processing of e.g. payroll for the social secretariat (including employees, former employees, and student employees) and third-party payroll data for financial reporting to the subsidising agency (for projects reported via Flanders’ FOOD).