A strategic research and innovation plan for the food system from vegetable to veggie

Vegetable to veggie

The 'Vegetable to Veggie' roadmap describes seven concepts in a timespan of ten years that will be achieved through various chains of research and innovation projects.

Diepvries groentjes

Concepts within this roadmap

Logo van VeggInnTop

Top product and process innovations in vegetable processing

Logo van AlterVegProcess

A new look at vegetable processing processes

Logo van Veggiemine

Mining for valuables in by-products and new vegetables

Logo van FoodSafetyFirst

Meeting stricter safety expectations from consumers and society as a whole

Logo van AggriVeggielink

Strong together: links with ‘agri’ for process optimisation, innovations and circular economy.

Logo van Suscrop

Sustainable, efficient and high-quality vegetable cultivation as a driving force for the industry

Logo van VegIntelligence

Automation and digitalisation in the vegetable to veggie food system

Meet the roadmap comittee

Stijn Snick
Sabien Pollet
Onderzoeksleider openlucht groenten
Frédéric Rosseneu
Corporate Business Development Manager
Leander Cosijns
Group Engineering Director
Imca Sampers
Coördinator onderzoek BCM Universiteit Gent
Jean Claude Callewaert_inactive
ex Business Development Manager (gepensioneerd 2024)
Steven Van Campenhout
Wetenschappelijk Adviseur

More information?

Steven Van Campenhout
program manager
Maarten Uyttebroek
innovation manager
Ellen Martens
Ellen Martens
innovation manager
Marie Demarcke
innovation manager