Roadmap committees

The roadmaps are shaped by and monitored by our roadmap committees. Who are they?


A roadmap committee is made up of people who are active in agri-food companies (Captains of Industry) and knowledge institutes (Lead Scientists) and supported by a program manager from Flanders’ FOOD. Team members from the business world bring knowledge and expertise about technology, market insight and economic relevance, while the knowledge institute team members guarantee the scientific expertise. They are all impartial members who provide support through their advice and knowledge. They monitor the roadmap's progress and adjust when needed.

Program 'Resilient and Sustainable Agrifood Systems'

Program 'World Class Food Production'

Program 'Personalised Foods and Healthy Diets'

Program 'New and Shifting Resources'

Roadmap committee 'Grain to Bakery product'

Roadmap committee 'Food Packaging of the Future'

Peter Ragaert
Director at Pack4Food & Professor food packaging technology at UGent
Tim Van Caelenberg
Packaging Development Manager
Cynthia Linclau
R&D Packaging Developer
Ann Nachtergaele
Directeur Environnement & Energie
Liesje De Schamphelaire
Environmental Affairs & Energy Advisor
Brian Ameys
IT & QESH (Quality, Environment, Safety & Health) manager at Mondi Group
Wim Grymonprez
New Business Development Manager Plastics (VKC-Centexbel)
Isabel De Schrijver
R&D Manager Plastic Characterization, Processing and Recycling (PCPR) + Functional Thermoplastic Textiles (FTT) (VKC-Centexbel)
Kris Van de Voorde
Innovation Program Manager at IMEC - supporting Flemish companies with technological innovations
Inge Dirinck
innovatiemanager (freelance)

Roadmap committee 'Nutrition'

Johan Geeroms_inactive
R&D Manager (voormalig - momenteel gepensioneerd)
Christophe Matthys
Associate Professor
Frédéric Rosseneu
Corporate Business Development Manager
Veerle Carlier
R&D and innovation manager Food

Roadmap committee 'Protein Shift'

Kristof Brijs
Industrial Research Manager
Lieve Herman
Head of departement
Lieven Deraeve
Process Development Manager
Gert Engelen
business development
Arno Wouters
Assistant Professor
Karolien Byttebier
Project Manager Duurzame Voeding
Gil Rogiers
Senior fermentation specialist

Roadmapcomité 'Voedselveiligheid'

Lieve Herman
Head of departement
Els Rutsaert
Corporate QA director
Sandra Impens
FSQR manager processed Meats belgium
Johan Hallaert
Food Policy Director
Olivier Galard
Group Quality and Food Safety Director