carbon footprint

Development of a toolbox to support the transition of Flemish SMEs to climate neutrality. 

Why this project?

For small businesses (SMEs, less than 50 employees), it is very difficult in these times of poly-crisis to measure their current impact on the climate and to determine their optimal roadmap for reducing CO₂ emissions.

Methodology and results

Would you like to know how your company scores in terms of CO₂ emissions? Or where the potential lies to reduce emissions and their related energy costs? Then meet the user-friendly SME CO₂ footprint calculator. The tool is mainly designed for small businesses that have not yet done a detailed assessment of their footprint, either through an internal expert or an external consultant.

SCONE has just developed a web tool for these companies along with partners PowerPulse and Carbon+Alt+Delete. The tool should help these SMEs make the right investment choices to reduce that footprint. During the development process of this tool (SME CO₂ footprint calculator), the developers often coordinated with the following three food companies: salt producer Zoutman, coffee roaster Koffie Kàn, and industrial bakery Patroba. These companies provided valuable feedback to ensure that the tool is user-friendly and the analysis results meet public expectations.

Access to the project results

The project came to an end in December 2023. The web tool allows you to calculate, analyse, and compare your carbon footprint with benchmark values, and also provides customised concrete tips to reduce your carbon footprint.

Access to the web tool is completely free for now via the following link:

SME Carbon Check

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Project partners

The project is the collaborative effort of a consortium of companies: 

  • PowerPulse
  • Scone
  • Carbon+Alt+Delete
SCATE4SME projectpartners

Contact Flanders' FOOD

Timothy Lefeber
research manager

Or contact SME Carbon check