With support from:
The aim of ‘Draf in Galop’ is to find a high-quality valorisation of brewer’s spent grain, or draff, by developing new food products using draff as a raw material. The focus is on bakery products, on the one hand, and meat analogues, on the other.
The average intake of fibre through food products is too low in Flanders and many other regions in Europe. However, there is a huge amount of fibre- and protein-rich draff produced annually in Flanders, which now goes mainly to animal feed. So there is a nutritionally interesting side stream from breweries and a demand for protein- and fibre-rich ingredients from food producers. So far, however, the technical and applicable matching of supply and demand has been a stumbling block.
Draf in Galop is a collective practice-based (TETRA) research project with the aim of obtaining high-quality valorisation of brewer’s spent grain.
This will be done by facilitating the development of new food products using draff as raw material. This project brings the entire chain – from breweries to food producers – together to work on ensuring that brewer’s spent grain from (smaller and larger) brewers becomes usable as an ingredient for food companies. A key challenge here will be to grind draff as finely as possible and to do so in a practical and affordable way.
The project’s target groups are brewers who want to valorise their brewer’s spent grain more highly (Belgium: approx. 340 breweries, 80% microbreweries, approx. 230,000 tonnes of brewer’s spent grain per year), producers of semi-finished products that can develop new raw materials and food ingredients, retailers and transporters, food companies that can develop new products or adapt existing ones using brewer’s spent grain, and have a focus on circularity.
This project focuses on artisan bakeries (approx. 2,500), industrial bakeries (approx. 500), biscuit makers (approx. 150), and producers of vegetarian products.
On the one hand, the project will facilitate partnerships between industrial players. On the other hand, local partnerships between smaller brewers and local food producers (short chain) will also be a focus.
The project is managed and executed by VIVES and KU Leuven. FF is responsible for the valorisation tasks.
Main partner responsible for the project execution: VIVES
Additional implementation organisations: KU Leuven